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Information to the Pharmaceutical companies
The Norwegian Pharmaceutical Product Compendium (Felleskatalogen AS) is a private company owned by the Association of Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway (LMI). The company was established in 1958.
The mission of Felleskatalogen is to provide healthcare personnel with structured, updated and easily available information about pharmaceutical products on the Norwegian market. Felleskatalogen is the “number one” information source for all groups of healthcare personnel in Norway1. We believe that knowledge about pharmaceutical products is critical for safe prescription and use of medicines. 1Based on user surveillance 2016, The Norwegian Medicines Agency.
For information about our information elements, information platforms, cooperators and practical information, see brochure human and brochure veterinary.
Instruction videos and educational material
The pharmaceutical companies participating in Felleskatalogen can publish instruction movies and educational material on, with no additional costs. For more information, see brochure Instruction movies and educational material. For information on development of educational material and educational material for pregnancy prevention programs, see checklist from Norwegian Medicines Agency.
We use FK SHARE to share Felleskatalog texts, educational materials and instruction movies with the companies.
Send an email to if you need access to FK SHARE.
User guide FK SHARE
Working with Felleskatalog texts
A Felleskatalog text is a prescription text based on the SPC. Be aware that the Felleskatalog text has its own structure, somewhat different from the SPC, and that it should be abbreviated compared to the SPC.
See also Production guidelines human (in Norwegian), Production guidelines veterinary (in Norwegian) and Dictionary (in Norwegian).
Any questions? Please contact our Managing director, Bente Jansen,
Side effects will be structured and standardized according to our list:Primary synonyms, MedDRA and organclasses
Privacy policy
We need to communicate with contact persons in the pharmaceutical companies, at the authorities and with our authors. Because of this, we handle some personal contact information. Read more about this in our privacy policy (in Norwegian only).
Annual fee
The annual fee is based on the number of lines, calculated from the number of characters in the Felleskatalog database for your Felleskatalog texts. The charge per line for the human FK text is 96 NOK and for veterinary FK text 48 NOK in 2025.